
Medical Concierge

Just because we are sick, you can still find a Medical Concierge on the island to help you make your stay a with Medical Professionals. Its important to feel that you can resource your energy through tough times, but you can plan your stay and know that you have the medical team to help you plan your stay.

We know how important a vacation can be.  But we also offer a Medical Concierge through a partner who can offer you that service.

  1. A solution based international Medical Concierge Service for travelers.
  2. Providing the best care and referral services when and where you need it ...

Guaranteed Security and peace of mind....

Whether an individual or a business traveler, CareAway Travel guarantees medical support, management, and monitoring of travelers during their trips and provides a feeling of security and peace of mind that lets you focus on what’s important.


Coordination to better protect the client’s health through our international network of healthcare providers and institutions around the world that can include your personal physician.

Plan My CareAway

Useful travel information and support to help clients prepare their trip and support their medical needs, before, during and after their voyage.


Administrative support and reliable access to advice for all health and wellness needs anywhere in the world. Our Cashless Service provides patients and institutions with guaranteed payment of healthcare costs. We are our patient’s advocate to keep costs down and we do the necessary for payment by insurers and third-party payers. We do the work so that our patients can focus solely on recovery.

You are never alone

Your personal support team is only a click away. Our trusted person program means that your family, personal physician or a CareAway Advocate is never far and always ready with the right advice and decision.